Do not panic!

Effective Error Handling In Rust

About Me

Levente Krizsán (

Backend Software Engineer @
Interested in Rust since 2020
Using it professionally since 2024

What Could Go Wrong Here?'/order', async (req, res) => {
  const user = await fetchUser(req.userId);
  const items = await orderProducts(req.body.products);
  const invoice = await generateInvoice(items);
  return {
    paymentUrl: buildPaymentUrl(invoice),

What Do the Declarations Tell Us?


user fetch_user(std::string_view user_id);


class UserService { public async Task<User> fetchUser(String userId); }


async function fetchUser(userId: string): User;


class UserService {
    public User fetchUser(String userId) throws NonExistentEntityException;

Error Handling Is Hard!

Have to deal with known & unknown unknowns!

Countless combinations of things can go wrong!

How Does Rust Fare in This Regard?

Rust promises:

  • Blazingly (🔥) fast™ performance
  • Memory efficiency
  • Memory-safety, thread-safety
  • A strong, rich type system
  • A very strict compiler

What about error handling?


Goals of Error Handling

How Does a Rust Program Crash? What Can We Do About It?

How Does a Rust Program Handle Recoverable Errors?

Interesting Bits & Bobs

Goals of Error Handling

User Feedback:

  1. Tell the user what went wrong
  2. Offer ideas on how to fix it (if they can)


  1. Provide as much info to the operator as possible
  2. Make debugging simple so the issue can be rectified quickly

Unrecoverable Errors :: panic

  • When something that shouldn't happen happens, and is better to terminate execution than allowing UB to occur

  • An unhandled panic causes the thread it occurred on to terminate

    • If it's the main thread, it'll terminate the program with a 101 exit code
  • An unhandled panic is 99% a bug in the code!

    • CLI should never panic when encountering an error
    • HTTP server should never panic if an error occurred during processing
  • Similar to C++ exceptions: stack is unwound and drop for objects is called (though not guaranteed)

    • Can be turned off for increased performance

How Can We panic? :: Macros

panic!("I'm panicking!");
// $ cargo run
// thread 'main' panicked at src/
// I'm panicking!

let res = if n < 5 { foo(n) } else { todo!("Will do next week") };
// $ cargo run
// thread 'main' panicked at src/
// not yet implemented: Will do next week

let res = if n < 5 { foo(n) } else { unimplemented!("Not needed for now") };
// $ cargo run
// thread 'main' panicked at src/
// not implemented: Not needed for now

match n /*: Option<i32> */ {
  Some(n) if n >= 0 => println!("Some(Non-negative)"),
  Some(n) if n <  0 => println!("Some(Negative)"),
  Some(_)           => unreachable!("Handled all ns already"), // <-- compile error if not here
  None              => println!("None"),
// $ cargo run
// thread 'main' panicked at src/
// internal error: entered unreachable code: Handled all ns already

How Can We panic? :: Functions

let home_dir = home::home_dir().unwrap(); // home::home_dir() -> Option<PathBuf>
// $ cargo run
// thread 'main' panicked at src/
// called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value

let contents = read_to_string("a.txt").unwrap(); // read_to_string(P) -> io::Result<String>
// $ cargo run
// thread 'main' panicked at src/
// called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value:
//   Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }

let home_dir = home::home_dir().expect("User should have a home directory");
// $ cargo run
// thread 'main' panicked at src/
// User should have a home directory

let contents = read_to_string("a.txt").expect("File should exist");
// $ cargo run
// thread 'main' panicked at src/
// File should exist:
//   Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }

When to panic In Our Code?

  • When we want to halt execution because something we expect does not hold
  • In test code, when we don't care about the error case (panic → test failure)
assert_eq!(3, 4); // assertion `left == right` failed, left: 3, right: 4
assert!(3 == 4); // assertion failed: 3 == 4

Always document whether a function can panic:

/// # Panics
/// Will panic if `y` is `0`.
pub fn divide(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
  if y == 0 { panic!("Cannot divide by 0") } else { x / y }

What panics in std?

std documentation always states whether a function can panic, for example:

  • Vec<T>::[i]/HashMap<K, V>::[key] - Unchecked index operator
    • get/get_mut - Checked version, returns Option<&T>/Option<&mut T>
fn main() { let _val = Vec::<i32>::new()[1]; }
// $ cargo run
// thread 'main' panicked at src/
// index out of bounds: the len is 0 but the index is 1
  • Integer under/overflow: only in debug builds
#[allow(arithmetic_overflow)] // Needed as the compiler is smart in this case
fn main() { let _n = i32::MAX + i32::MAX; }
// $ cargo run
// thread 'main' panicked at src/
// attempt to add with overflow


By default, panics don't help us in diagnosing how the execution got to that point:

$ cargo run
thread 'main' panicked at src/submodule-1/submodule-2/
index out of bounds: the len is 10 but the index is 10
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


Can enable a backtrace (might have a performance cost):

$ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run
thread 'main' panicked at src/submodule-1/submodule-2/
index out of bounds: the len is 10 but the index is 10
stack backtrace:
   0: rust_begin_unwind
             at /rustc/25ef9e3d85d934b27d9dada2f9dd52b1dc63bb04/library/std/src/
   1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
             at /rustc/25ef9e3d85d934b27d9dada2f9dd52b1dc63bb04/library/core/src/
   2: core::panicking::panic_bounds_check
             at /rustc/25ef9e3d85d934b27d9dada2f9dd52b1dc63bb04/library/core/src/
   3: <usize as core::slice::index::SliceIndex<[T]>>::index
             at /rustc/25ef9e3d85d934b27d9dada2f9dd52b1dc63bb04/library/core/src/slice/
   4: core::slice::index::<impl core::ops::index::Index<I> for [T]>::index
             at /rustc/25ef9e3d85d934b27d9dada2f9dd52b1dc63bb04/library/core/src/slice/
   5: <alloc::vec::Vec<T,A> as core::ops::index::Index<I>>::index
             at /rustc/25ef9e3d85d934b27d9dada2f9dd52b1dc63bb04/library/alloc/src/vec/
   6: my-project:submodule::submodule-2:my_awesome_function # <-- our function!
             at ./src/subfolder-1/subfolder-2/
   6: my-project::main # <-- function that called our function!
             at ./src/
   7: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once
             at /rustc/25ef9e3d85d934b27d9dada2f9dd52b1dc63bb04/library/core/src/ops/
note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.

Listening for panics :: panic::set_hook

fn main() {
  std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {
    println!("A panic occurred!");
  panic!("Uh oh!");
$ cargo run
A panic occurred!

Integration with tracing :: tracing-panic

fn main() {
  // ... `tracing` setup ...

  panic!("I'm panicking!");

Produces the following error-level tracing event:

$ cargo run
2024-04-23T19:22:42.351731Z ERROR tracing_panic: A panic occurred
panic payload="I'm panicking!"

Catching panics :: catch_unwind

panics can be caught and turned into recoverable errors:

fn main() {
  let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
    panic!("oh no!");

  println!("Result: {result:?}");
$ cargo run
thread 'main' panicked at src/
oh no!
Result: Err(Any { .. })

Don't try to handle panics in the code, fix the bug which caused them!

Recoverable Errors :: Result<T, E>

Recoverable Errors :: Result<T, E>

The trick to it is - there is no trick! Just leveraging tagged unions:

enum Result<T, E> {

Similar to:

  • Java's checked exeptions (try/catch, throw/throws) - but no special control flow
  • Haskell's Either a b = Left a | Right b type - but in an imperative environment
  • Go's tuple-based approach (func F() (int32, error)) - but it cannot be misused

Recoverable Errors :: Result<T, E>

fn main() {
  match std::fs::read_to_string("file.txt") {
    Ok(contents) => println!("{contents}"),
    Err(e) => println!("Failed to read file, cause: {e}"),
$ cargo run
Failed to read file, cause: No such file or directory (os error 2)

Returning Errors - What Should E Be?

Start out with a function:

fn parse_value_from_file(path: AsRef<Path>) -> Value;

But this can fail!

fn parse_value_from_file(path: AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Value, ???>;

Returning Errors - What Should E Be?

"I'll think about error handling later":

fn parse_value_from_file(path: AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Value, String> {
  if file_does_not_exist {
    return Err(format!("File '{path}' does not exist"));
  if contents_malformed {
    return Err("Contents of file were malformed".to_string());



But: Not convenient to work with programmatically!

Returning Errors - What Should E Be?

Decision point: Do I want the caller to know about different failure modes?

If so → Provide an enumerated error type

Else → Provide an opaque error type

Enumerated Errors

Enum, where each variant describes a particular failure mode.

Variants can contain extra info on what went wrong:

enum ParseValueError {
  MalformedInputError { line: u64, col: u64 },

Even better, using an other error as a source:

enum ParseValueError {
  MalformedInputError { line: u64, col: u64 },

No trick, just leverage the type system!

What Makes an Error a Good Error:

  1. Offers description to the end user → Implements Display
  2. Offers description to the operator → Implements Debug
  3. Can be composed with other errors → Implements Error

Implement Display

Provide a textual representation of what went wrong to the end user. Enables:

  • Converting the error into a String:
let str = e.to_string();
  • Printing the error using the {} placeholder in format strings
println!("Something went wrong: {e}");
impl std::fmt::Display for ParseValueError {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
    match self {
      Self::IoError(_) => write!(f, "There was a problem when reading the input"),
      Self::MalformedInputError { line, col } =>
        write!(f, "The input is malformed on {line}:{col}"),

Implement Debug

Provide a textual representation of what went wrong to the operator. Enables:

  • Printing the error using the {:?} placeholder in format strings
println!("Something went wrong: {e:?}");
enum ParseValueError {
let err = ParseValueError::MalformedInputError { line: 42, col: 100  };
$ cargo run
MalformedInputError { line: 42, col: 100 }

Implement Error

Mark an error type as an std::error::Error, so callers can refer to it using dyn pointers and references - can work with the error without knowing its concrete type.

trait Error: Debug + Display { ... }
impl std::error::Error for ParseValueError {}

All error types should implement it, to make them composable with other errors!


Can provide a source to capture the cause of the error:

impl std::error::Error for ParseValueError {
  fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
    match self {
      Self::IoError(e) => Some(e),
      Self::MalformedInputError { .. } => None,

Recap: What Makes a Good Error Type?

  1. Implements Debug - #[derive(Debug)]/impl Debug for ... { ... }
  2. Implements Display - with impl Display for ... { ... }
  3. Implements std::error::Error
  4. Optional: Adds a source implementation to establish a cause chain

This is a lot of boilerplate for each error type we define! How can we do better?

Macros to the Rescue, a.k.a the thiserror Crate

Can help us generate the boilerplate using a procedural derive macro.
But: Increases compile times if we're not using proc macros yet!

// `thiserror::Error` implements `std::error::Error`
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
enum ParseValueError {
  #[error("could not open file")] // `Display` impl for this variant
    // `source` = inner error for this variant +
    // `impl From<std::io::Error> for ParseValueError { ... }` +
    // `impl Into<ParseValueError> for std::io::Error { ... }`
    #[from] std::io::Error,
  #[error("input is malformed at {line}:{col}")] // Supports interpolation
  MalformedInputError { line: u64, col: u64 },

A More Advanced Example

#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum DataStoreError {
  #[error("data store disconnected")]
  Disconnect(#[from] std::io::Error),

  #[error("the data has been redacted")]
  Redaction(#[source] RedactionError),

  #[error("invalid header (expected {expected:?}, found {found:?})")]
  InvalidHeader { expected: String, found: String },

  #[error(transparent)] // delegate `source` + `Display` to inner error
  Unknown(#[from] Box<dyn std::error::Error>),

// How to construct each variant:
let disconnect_error: DataStoreError = some_io_error.into(); // DSE::Disconnect
let redaction_error = DataStoreError::Redaction(RedactionError { ... });
let invalid_header_error = DataStoreError::InvalidHeader { ... };
let unknown_error: DataStoreError = some_opaque_boxed_error.into(); // DSE::Unknown

Let's Try It!

fn save_entity(entity: Entity) -> Result<EntityWithId, DataStoreError> {
  let connection = match db::connect() {
    Ok(c) => c,
    // No need for `DataStoreError::Disconnect(e)`!
    // `std::io::Error` -> `DataStoreError::Disconnect` is handled by `into`
    Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),

  let inserted_entity = match connection.insert(entity) {
    Ok(inserted_entity) => inserted_entity,
    // No need for `DataStoreError::Unknown(Box::new(e))`!
    // `Box<dyn std::error::Error>` -> `DataStoreError::Unknown` is handled by `into`
    Err(e) => return Err((Box::new(e) as Box<dyn std::error::Error>).into()),


Lot of code even for this case - what about more complex functions?

Rust's Superpower: The ? Operator

  • Can use in functions returning Result<T, E> to return early
fn fallible() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
  let contents = std::fs::read_to_string("file.txt")?;
  • Performs the following operation: return Err(e.into<E>());
  • The conversion is very convenient, and greatly reduces boilerplate
fn save_entity(entity: Entity) -> Result<EntityWithId, DataStoreError> {
  let connection = db::connect()?; // `std::io::Error` -> `DataStoreError::Disconnect`

  let inserted_entity = connection.insert(entity)
    // `Box<dyn std::error::Error>` -> `DataStoreError::Unknown`
    .map_err(|e| DataStoreError::Unknown(Box::new(e)))?;


Opaque Errors

Sometimes we don't want to let the caller know exactly what went wrong - just let them know something failed. Reasons:

  • There are too many failure modes to keep track of in an enum - burden for caller
  • We don't want to leak implementation details of the function to callers

Simplest way is to use Box<dyn std::error::Error>:

  • Unique pointer to an object that implements std::error::Error
  • Must be behind pointer since trait objects are !Sized - can't place them on stack!
  • Caller can use dynamic dispatch to get:
    • User-facing representation (Display::display/to_string)
    • Operator-facing representation (Debug::debug)
    • The source (Error::source)

Simple Opaque Error Example

The following conversion is implemented by std:

impl From<impl std::error::Error> for Box<dyn std::error::Error> { ... }
fn read_config_file() -> Result<serde_json::Value, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  let contents = std::fs::read_to_string("cfg.json")?;

  let parsed_contents = serde_json::from_str(&contents)?;


Works, but:

  • The error type is quite a mouthful
  • Still need define a custom type if there's no underlying error to propagate
  • Cannot attach extra context to why each error can occur, which could help the user understand what went wrong

Ergonomic Opaque Errors a.k.a the anyhow Crate

Defines anyhow::Error: An opaque error type on steroids

Usually used with its Result shorthand:

type anyhow::Result<T> = Result<T, anyhow::Error>;

Can convert to anyhow::Error from any type implementing std::error::Error:

fn read_config_file() -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value> {
  // `impl std::error::Error` -> `anyhow::Error`
  let contents = std::fs::read_to_string("cfg.json")?;

  let parsed_contents = serde_json::from_str(&contents)?;



Allows attaching context to errors using the context/with_context extension trait methods:

use anyhow::Context;

fn read_config_file() -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Value> {
  let contents = std::fs::read_to_string("cfg.json")
    .context("Failed to read config file")?;

  let parsed_contents = serde_json::from_str(&contents)
    .with_context(|| format!("Failed to parse config from {contents}"))?;



Allows creating ad-hoc errors without defining a custom error type:

fn validate_password(user_id: &str, password_hash: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  let password_hash_from_db: String = ...;

  if (password_hash_from_db.len() != password_hash.len()) {
    // `anyhow!` macro for ad-hoc error definition
    return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Password size doesn't match!"));

  if (&password_hash_from_db != password_hash) {
    // shorthand: `bail!(...) = return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(...))`
    anyhow::bail!("Passwords don't match!");


anyhow In Action

fn main() {
  let err = read_config_file().context("Failed to initialize config").unwrap_err();
$ cargo run
Failed to initialize config
Failed to initialize config

Caused by:
  0: Failed to read config file
  1: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)

Stack backtrace:


Fork of anyhow - adds support for customizable error report Handlers.

Uses its own terminology:

  • anyhow::Error/anyhow::Result -> eyre::Report/eyre::Result
  • Context/context/with_context -> WrapErr/wrap_err/wrap_err_with

But also re-exports anyhow's public types and traits to be a drop-in replacement.


The most widespread Handler used is color-eyre:

Combination of Enumerated + Opaque Errors

For cases where partial differentiation between failure modes is required:

#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
enum RegisterUserError {
  #[error(transparent)] // wrap anything unexpected as an `anyhow::Error`
  UnexpectedError(#[from] anyhow::Error),

fn validate_user(user_data: &UserData) -> Result<(), ValidationError> { ... }

fn register_user(user_data: UserData) -> Result<(), RegisterUserError> {
  let validated_user = validate_user(user_data)?;
  // Use `.context` to convert underlying error to `anyhow::Error`
  let inserted_user = db::insert(validated_user).context("Failed to insert user")?;

Reporting Errors - With Minimal Noise

Always report errors for operators in a single place.

That place should be where the error is handled, not where it's propagated!

fn fallible() -> anyhow::Result<Value> {
  let val = foo().map_err(|e| {
    tracing::error!("Error occurred: {e:?}"; // ❌ Reporting + propagation

  let val = foo().context("Failed to perform foo")?; // ✅ Adding extra context


The main function can return Result<(), E> - will print the error's Debug representation to stderr automatically and return a 1 exit code:

  • Just return anyhow::Result<()> (or some other generic error type) from main
  • Use ? to propagate up errors from downstream functions
  • Add a context to each fallible function, so the user knows in what context the error occurred

CLIs :: Example

use anyhow::Context;

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  let config_file = read_config_file().context("Failed to initialize config")?;
  let command = parse_command().context("Failed to parse command")?;
  let output = match command {
    Command::Foo => perform_foo(...).context("Failed to execute command foo")?,
    Command::Bar => perform_bar(...).context("Failed to execute command bar")?,

  cleanup(output).context("Failed during cleanup")?;
$ cargo run
Error: Failed to initialize config

Caused by:
  0: Failed to read config file from "./config.toml"
  1: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)

In HTTP Servers

Provide a single error handler that transforms errors to HTTP responses + produces a log message:

"None of the major Rust web frameworks have a great error reporting story, according to my personal definition of great."

  • Every framework does it a bit differently, but the gist is the same:
    • Propagate errors up to the request handler using ?
    • Implement a conversion: YourErrorType -> HttpResponse for defining what should the server return in case of an error
    • Log the error or let the framework do it for you (depending on framework)

HTTP Servers :: actix Example - Server & Endpoint Setup

Use the tracing-actix-web crate that interfaces with tracing for logging!

async fn register(user: Json<UserRequest>) -> Result<HttpResponse, RegisterUserError> {
  let validated_user = validate_user_request(user)?; // <-- Propagate validation error
  let inserted_user = db::insert(validated_user)
    .context("Failed to insert user in DB")?; // <-- Propagate DB error

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {

   HttpServer::new(move || {
      .wrap(TracingLogger::default()) // <-- Add logging middlewre
      .route("/users", web::post().to(register))

HTTP Servers :: actix Example - Error Setup

#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
enum RegisterUserError {
  #[error("Failed to validate incoming request")]
  UnexpectedError(#[from] anyhow::Error),
impl ResponseError for RegisterUserError {
  fn status_code(&self) -> StatusCode {
    match self { // Define what status code each error variant should map to
      Self::ValidationError(_) => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
      Self::UnexpectedError(_) => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
  fn error_response(&self) -> HttpResponse {
    let mut builder = HttpResponse::build(self.status_code());
    match self { // Define the body of each error variant
      Self::ValidationError(v) => builder.json(v),
      Self::UnexpectedError(_) => builder.json(ErrorResponseBody {
        message: "An unexpected error occurred!",

HTTP Servers :: actix Example - Validation Error

Response Code: 400 Bad Request
Response Body:

  "message": "User is invalid",
  "fields": [{ "name": "email", "issue": "'foo' does not contain a @" }]


WARN HTTP request{
  exception.message=Failed to validate incoming request
  exception.details=ValidationError(ValidationError {
    message: "User is invalid",
    fields: [ValidationErrorField { name: "email", issue: "'foo' does not contain a @"}]

HTTP Servers :: actix Example - Unexpected Error

Response Code: 500 Internal Server Error
Response Body:

{ "message": "An unexpected error occurred!" }


ERROR HTTP request{
  exception.message=Failed to insert user in DB
  exception.details=UnexpectedError(Failed to insert user in DB
    Caused by:
      Could not connect to DB

Bits & Bobs

Result<T, E> Is #[must_use]

Discarding a Result is a compiler warning!

fn fallible() -> anyhow::Result<()> { ... }

fn main() {
  // warning: unused `Result` that must be used
  // = note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled


  • Propagate: fallible()?;
  • Unwrap with note: fallible().expect("fallible should never fail as ...");
  • Explicitly discard: let _ = fallible();
let _ = tx.send(42); // `tx` is the Sender side of a channel

Result<Result<T, E1>, E2> :: Double Trouble

Useful if we want to force separate handling of different errors:

fn read_config_file() -> Result<Result<serde_json::Value, serde_json::Error>, std::io::Error> {
  let contents = std::fs::read_to_string("cfg.json")?;

  let parse_result = serde_json::from_str(&contents);


fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  let value = read_config_file()??; // Don't differentiate between errors

  let value = read_config_file()
    .context("Failed to read config file")? // Add context for outer error
    .context("Failed to parse config file")?; // Add context for inner eror

  let value = read_config_file()
    .unwrap_or(Ok(serde_json::Value::Null))?; // handle outer error differently from inner


Keep in Mind the Error Size

Results should not have large overhead - if the Error type is large, better to Box it!

A good example of this practice is serde_json::Error:

pub struct Error {
  err: Box<ErrorImpl>,

struct ErrorImpl {
  code: ErrorCode,
  line: usize,
  column: usize,

pub(crate) enum ErrorCode {

The Future

try Blocks

Create a block where you can use ? without creating a new function:

fn foo(num_str_1: &str, num_str_2: &str) -> i32 {

  let result: Result<i32, std::num::ParseIntError> = try {
      num_str_1.parse::<i32>()? + num_str_2.parse::<i32>()?


Tracking issue:


Get an iterator that traverses all sources using Error::source:

impl std::fmt::Debug for ParseValueError {

  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
    writeln!(f, "{}", self)?;

    for source in self.sources().skip(1) {
      writeln!(f, "Caused by:\n\t{source}")?;


Tracking issue:


This was just an introduction, there is still so much to dive into!
Here are some recommendations:


Docs: std, tracing-panic, thiserror, anyhow, eyre

try_blocks chapter from The Rust Unstable Book

matklad (2020). Study of std::io::Error

Palmieri, Luca (2024). Rust web frameworks have subpar error reporting

Gjgengset, Jon (2022). Rust for Rustaceans. No Starch Press.

Palmieri, Luca (2022). Zero to Production in Rust.

Summary & Questions

  • panic == bug in our code
  • Result<T, E> for recoverable errors: enumerated vs. opaque
  • ? = return Err(e.into<E>())
  • Single location where the error:
    • Gets logged
    • Is converted to a user-facing representation

Levente Krizsán -